Give a little love

In our bathrooms on campus there are sticky notes posted on the mirrors, walls, and doors telling whoever is reading how beautiful they are, to love the person they are, and to smile and be encouraged. 

I love seeing these. They give me so much encouragement. Whether I have struggled that morning about how I look, am overwhelmed because of responsibilities, or struggling with schoolwork, these messages give me encouragement and remind me to love who I am and enjoy the life that I have been so graciously given. This morning I was in a very bad mood and I have been so overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. I read these notes and they reminded me to smile, not give up and that everything will be okay. I don't know who is responsible for these notes but I love that people are taking the time to encourage one another. I believe that it is very important to give encouragement, support, and love to one another. 

Today I'm challenging myself and to anyone that may be reading this to take a moment to write someone an encouraging note, give someone a compliment, hold the door for someone, smile at someone... Just do something kind. Encourage someone, lift them up, show them that you care. If we all take the time to do this what a difference we will make! 


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