
I just have to get this out of my head...

I just heard the news of the Charleston shooting. I'm deeply saddened by this... the fact that someone would walk into a place of worship and feel the need to take the lives of the people there. What that young man did was horrifying and I could never begin to imagine the pain and suffering those people are going through. Not only should we be praying for those who have lost loved ones or were injured... We also need to pray for the shooter for he fell victim to Satan himself just like many of us do every day. While his sin was more permanent and more devastating, that does not mean that he can't find repentance and mercy in The Lord. I know it is very hard to pray for and love someone who has caused so much pain but as Christians it is our duty.

I am so glad that people are willing to offer up prayer in support of those suffering. However, while those people are offering prayer and support for the victims, they are tearing down the man who do it as well as his loved ones. It hurts me just as much to see people say things such as, " We need to hang him up by his toenails and beat him." or "He deserves to rot in hell." I know this was awful, truly I do...I hate that this young man did this, but I do not hate him. The truth is, every single human being deserves that kind of punishment. Thankfully, there was man named Jesus who sacrificed himself so we would not have to face that punishment. Instead of being so hateful to people and wanting to see them suffer, we need to be supportive, uplifting, and encouraging... no matter the circumstance or situation. If we are praying for the victims, we also need to be praying for the one in charge of the chaos. 

I think I hate when things like this happen more because of the awful comments that I know people are going to make, the incident is terrible, but people are so willing to jump on one another and make comments in haste rather then in love and support. We are all in this together and if we helped one another as much as we think we did this world would be a much better place.

Bad things happen to good people every single day. It is not a gun issue or a race issue, it is a problem with the hearts of people in this world. Things such as this shooting have happened and will happen until Jesus' return. This is not the first bad thing that has happened in this world and it most certainly will not be the last. If we truly want these things to quit happening, we need to do our part, treat people like human beings, pray for each other, love one another, speak kindly, and slow down and realize what life is about. I have been and will continue to be praying for those who are suffering from this incident.

Dear Lord,

I pray for the people involved in this tragic incident, for those who have lost loved ones and those who have been injured. I pray that you will wrap your loving arms around them and let them know that you are near to them in their time of need. Father, remind them that you are the healer and you will bring them comfort and strength to face the days ahead.

I pray to you Father for Dylann, the man who could not resist Satan's temptations. I pray for conviction in his heart. I pray that You will be right with him wherever he is and let him know that he can find salvation in You alone. Let him know that there is forgiveness and mercy waiting on him if he opens his heart to you. I pray for his family and loved ones for I know they are suffering from this too. I pray that you will comfort them and let them know of your mercy and healing power as well. There is nothing that You cannot fix Lord and you most certainly can help them heal.

Lord, I pray for the churches and Christians in throughout this country. I pray that you will strengthen them and remind them that you are in control. Do not let us be weakened by this. I pray that we will take bold stands in the right direction. No matter the circumstance we will stand up for You and your Holy Word.

Finally, I pray for this country. I pray that hearts and lives will be convicted and that the people in this country will come to know you and your love. I pray that we will begin to let you take control. I pray that the people in this country will see that they cannot be in control, they do not have the power to run their lives or any other persons life, for that power is reserved for you. I pray for healing in our land, I know that you can make all things happen and I trust in You.

I thank You Lord for your love, mercy, and grace. Thank you Father for sending Jesus to die to take our place. Thank you for second chances and redemption.



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