Celebrate good times!!

What do you do to celebrate college graduation?

Well, if you're anything like me you're broke so your options are pretty limited... Thankfully I have a pretty awesome roommate who's dad has a camper at Holden beach which he so graciously let us crash for a few days! 

It was so nice to get away for a few days and relax, soak up the sun, and catch up with my BFF. 

Since I've been living at home and she has been student teaching I haven't seen Leah since my birthday in February!! I've missed her so, so much.

We didn't have a whole lot of time but we did as much as we could while we were there! We laid on the beach during the day on Wednesday for lunch we ate way too much food at Provisions at Holden beach! That night we drive to Southport and ate some more food at Yacht Basin Eatery. It was cloudy and had been raining but we ended up having a beautiful evening walking around and exploring the town. 
thankful for timers on camera phones!
swinging on a peaceful night
my island girl

beautiful Southport

Thursday, we woke up bright and early to head to subset beach for coffee and bagels. Oh. My. Gosh. That bagel was the best thing ever! It was so fluffy and fresh. I prob could have eaten them all day! After that we went shopping at one of the surf shops and then headed to the beach. We ate lunch at a grill on the beach. Later that afternoon Leah's dad came and took us for a ride on his boat. I didn't tell them but I was a little scared. Especially when they mentioned riding out on the ocean. Thank goodness we didn't. Whew. It was a really fun afternoon talking laughing and enjoying the sun. For supper we ate with Leah's dad and some family friends and headed home!

love when God paints the sky this color

I was so sad to go because I hate leaving the beach. Even though I was burnt to a crisp. But, I was really sad to leave Leah. I miss living with all of my friends and having them close whenever I need them. I miss all the fun we had but I know where we all are at in our lives are exactly where we are supposed to be. I'm so thankful for Leah, Christi, and Carrie and for their friendship and Godly influence in my life. Thank y'all for being amazing friends and for help making these past four years unforgettable.


  1. "fluffy and fresh" hahahaha I love you! you crack me up! I have missed your blogging! forreal! so glad y'all got to catch up and had such a good time! miss y'all both like crazy!


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