Get it together

My life has been turned upside down for the past week and a half. Seriously I have been like a whirlwind running from place to place, never stopping or slowing down. I have been exhausted and have been feeling so off balance in every aspect. Between trying to get school work done, Lyceum requirements, work, housework, and visiting loved ones I have been a running around like a chicken with my head chopped off.

Saturday, I took some time to reclaim order in my life. I worked out for the first time in over a week. Whoowee... that was rough! I really did not want to. But I talked myself into it. I feel soooo much better about myself and I had a ton more energy, now if I only I could remember this feeling when I wake up at 5:00am to exercise!! I also cleaned out my car (which was a MESS!), cleaned my room, the bathroom, did some laundry, made plans for the week, and organized some of my crazy mess. Man, I feel so much better now!

I like order and I like for things to be in there place. Seriously, if I leave home and my room is in a mess my whole day just feels crazy. My mama has always taught me that everything has place and to put things in there place and you will always know where they are. Sometimes I get in such a rush that I just throw things on a table or on my bed. Taking that one extra second to put things away makes all the difference and helps in the long run. I have to remind myself of this often because I do get in such a hurry trying to go from place to place getting everything done.

Sometimes things just get messy and cluttered and it's good to take the time to clean these areas and throw away things we don't need anymore. I love to do this! I love to clean and organize it just makes me feel so much better. I used to hate when my mama would come up to my room trying to clean things out. I wanted to keep everything... not anymore, I have absolutely no problem getting rid of things now.  When I went to college and was forced to live in such a small space, the clean freak that was locked inside of me came out!

I made some plans for this week in hopes that it will run a little smoother and I won't feel like such a train wreck. I find when I do make plans like these I am so much better off. Hopefully, I can go through with these plans and I won't feel like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. One of my plans for this week is to get up in the mornings and do some type of exercise. My days are always SO much better when I wake up and exercise first thing in the morning. Maybe by telling the blogging world of my plans I will actually go through with them instead of hitting the snooze button :)


  1. who blogs at 6 AM?! haha only you! i miss my morning workouts with you! had plans to do that this morning and it did not happen, but i did just get a short one in :) and i completely feel ya on the whole "my whole day is messed up if i leave the house in a mess". i need to send this to jason so he'll know i'm not the only one! haha, love you! have an awesome (well planned out, organized) week!

  2. I don't know why it says 6 am... I def just posted it lol.... I had all intentions of working out this morning but that didn't happen... I need my workout partner back!!! I cannot get up and workout by's so boring! At least one of us is doing good! Hopefully my week stays organized...I need it to! lol Love you!!


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