All Kinds of Kinds

I love people and I love human interactions. One of my favorite things to do is people watch. No, I'm not a creep...I promise. I love watching people interact with one another, I love watching people tell stories and listen to stories, I love watching someones eyes light up when they see someone they know, I love watching a mother comforting her child when they are hurting. I love how everyone is different, we all don't like the same things. Each one of us has our unique sense of style. We all don't watch the same TV shows or read the same books. We have different tastes for food. We all choose different careers or paths in life to go down.

This is one reason why I chose Psychology as my major...because I truly love human interactions and I love figuring out what makes each individual "tick". I love seeing how our individuality's help us interact with one another and work together for the common good. Granted some interactions are more difficult and painful than others but I feel like I'm gifted in a way that I know how to deal with those tough situations. I'm not trying to brag on myself by any means but I feel like I just know how to talk to and relate people. Some people are much easier to deal with than others and their are some situations where I am uncomfortable and I will keep to myself.

It is so important that we are all made unique. If we were all the same this world would be so boring and probably non existent. We would all be doing the same job, wearing the same clothes, eating the same exact food. We would have absolutely nothing to talk about and we would never get anything done! In order for us to interact with one another and survive we HAVE to be different. Sometimes I feel like we all try so hard to fit in that we forget that our differences, and what makes us unique is what makes this world go around. Sure we are ALL human and we will find similarities in each other but, we should remember that it is OKAY to be different. Sometimes it is uncomfortable to talk to the new kid in your class, sometimes it is awkward to invite someone new into your group, sometimes it is hard to even take a fashion risk. Do it anway, make yourself a little uncomfortable, it's how we change and grow. Believe me I know this is hard... I have been there and sometimes I am still there.

Don't be afraid to be who you are, you are made individual, unique, and so so special. Don't be afraid to talk to someone new and different. There will be people that you don't exactly "click" with and that is OKAY. You do not have to best friends with them but you can be nice and be friendly. We are not all going to be best friends but we CAN all get along. Comfort feels good and it is okay to be comfortable but we cannot grow and change by staying comfortable. We can survive by staying the same, but we cannot thrive unless we take a step forward in a new direction and make a change.


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