Here goes nothing...

So, I guess I'm a blogger now...

I honestly have no clue what I'm doing but I'm going to give this thing a shot...

The hardest thing about creating a blog was deciding on a name. I'm not completely sold on the title of my blog but I was itching to I thought of the name DayDreaming Diva and jumped on it while the thought was in my head. I find myself caught up in my thoughts a lot (daydreaming) and my friends love to call me a diva...

I seem to have forgotten how to use HTML formatting, I was once a pro in my MySpace days but I retired that gig and moved on to bigger and better things. Hopefully I can brush up on my knowledge so this won't be so boring to look at!

I've never been one to over share on social media... I don't pour my heart out on Facebook, sharing all of my deep personal struggles, I have a twitter but I don't tweet... I post pictures on Instagram occasionally, if I have something clever to say. Something about blogging is different for me, I feel like it will be an outlet sort of, a way to clear my head and keep a record of my thoughts without annoying people and having them hide my posts. I guess I feel like when you share on a blog people want to know what you have to say because they search for your blog and they truly enjoy reading your posts.  I LOVE to take pictures and documenting my life but I have such a hard time printing the pictures out and organizing them and by the time I get the pictures in my hand I have forgotten what I had to say about them so they end up thrown in a box forgotten about until a graduation or birthday comes up and I am scrambling for pictures to use as decorations...or blackmail ;). Hopefully having this blog will help me in recording my life instead of being one more album that I start but never finish.

I have so many topics bouncing around in my head that I can't wait to share... everything from fitness, faith, fashion,cooking adventures to just everyday, ordinary activities and trying to figure out my place in this world. I can't wait to start sharing all of my thoughts!

So who the heck am I??

My name is Mary Kait... I was raised on sweet tea and grits but have strayed away from many southern staples and am now known in my household as the fitness guru, health freak, and nutritionist. While I do enjoy eating healthy and exercising, I also enjoy a glass of sweet tea and big bowl of Chicken Bog (one of my daddy's specialties) every now and then. Jesus Christ is my savior and I love Him now more than I ever thought possible. More than anything in this world, I am after God's own heart. Each day I long to know Him more and pray that I can be more like Him and less like me. I have an amazing family who I love deeply and am so thankful to have parents who have raised me to know Jesus and to love Him. My family is everything to me. I have one younger brother, a mama, a daddy, a Papa, and a Maw Maw, aunts, uncles, and cousins who have taught me how to live and have made me the person I am.

**this pic was taken at my best friend's wedding...check out her blog here: 

I also have the silliest and most loving boyfriend who I have been dating for 5 years. He has taught me so much about life and how to enjoy every moment and not take everything so seriously. I fall more in love with him each day- this is not going to be a sappy love post but I have to talk about him since he IS going to be reading this LOL ;). Seriously though, I am so grateful for him and all the joy he has brought to my life. I know he is my biggest fan and my very best friend.

I love life and am so excited for the adventures that are coming my way as I prepare to graduate college. I don't really know what's coming next for me but I know that it will be great and I will have it all recorded thanks to my brand new blog!


  1. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!! so you! and how special am I to be featured on your first post ha!


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