The Power of Prayer

I remember being a young girl sitting at my great aunt's funeral thinking "Why did she die? I prayed for her, I asked God to heal her and make her well." I was so confused and didn't fully understand what was going on anyway. I really just could not wrap my brain around the fact that I asked God to make her better but instead she died. Now I understand how much pain she was in and that He did make her better, He healed all of her pain and gave her an eternal life with Him that is far better than anything she could have been given on this earth. Ultimately this was the best answer to my prayers.

It is so hard losing people who are so important to us. It is hard to watch them suffer and it is extremely difficult to watch them suffer and wonder why God isn't answering our prayers. We pray and beg God for healing, peace, and comfort, yet sometimes it feels like He doesn't answer our prayers but He does. He will ALWAYS listen and just may not be the answer that we want to hear. It is up to us to pray earnestly, without ceasing and trust in God's timing and His answers whatever they may be. We must take the answer that He has given us and use it to further glorify and praise Him. Even though we may not like the answer we have to trust that God's plan is far better than anything we could come up with.

It is so hard sometimes to pray in the midst of struggles, sometimes we want to just give up thinking that God is not hearing us or not listening. It is extremely difficult for me especially when times are hard because I can't find the words to say to Him. Thank goodness He knows my heart and when words are hard to think of I can just call on Him and He will take care of me. Sometimes all you need to do is just say "Jesus" and He will take care of you.

Prayer is powerful. God wants us to pray and talk to Him. Even though He knows our hearts He wants to hear from us, He wants us to communicate with Him. Talk to Him, share with Him, let Him know if you're happy, sad, scared, confused, joyful, anxious... he WANTS to know. I fully believe in the power of prayer, I have seen what happens when people come together and pray for something. While the answer may not always be what we want and it may not always be healing, the answer is always good because it comes from God. I can guarantee that when you start talking to God and praying to Him you're life will make so much more sense.


  1. Love this! Makes me think of Romans 8:26 "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." So awesome to know that even when we can't put our prayers into words, God does it for us!


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