Pumpkin is 17 weeks

Woah Baby! 17 week bump
Symptoms: Fingers crossed, the sickness is gone! Hallelujah! I finally don't feel nauseous all the time!

I am definitely feeling the pregnancy brain and I sincerely apologize to every pregnant woman I thought was crazy for saying she had it.

I am still really itchy but am hoping that will get fixed soon when I see the dermatologist.

I am still feeling pain in my hips, especially in the morning and after sitting for a while.

Weight: +10

Cravings: Tomato sandwiches and chili cheese tots from sonic! Basically nothing healthy! I am trying to make some helathy smoothies just to sneak some extra goodness in here and there!

Aversions: Chicken, bacon, and I learned this week collard greens.

Gender: We will know on February 9!!!!

Movement: I finally felt the flutters this week! I only feel them when I'm really still and I notice them more after I eat. I told Aaron that I tell the baby to kick me and he was like "WHY!?" I just love to feel that movement and want to feel it all the time!

Sleep: Getting less and less sound sleep as the days go by but I am feeling more like myself and more energized so that's okay.

Favorite moment this week: Feeling those little flutters!

Questions: None this week.

Goals: Buy some more maternity clothes! I need just a few things that I can wear with a lot of different things and that I'm comfortable in.

What I miss: I know it's silly but I miss being able to run and going to Zumba but I'm exercising the best that I can!

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling more movement and finding out if Pumpkin is a boy or a girl!

Thoughts: I am really able to tell this week by my appearance that I am pregnant and I am really self-conscious that I am getting too big too fast, not because I don't like the way I look but because I want to be healthy for the baby. I am really trying to be as healthy as I can but it is really hard!


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