Pumpkin is 15 weeks

Week 15

Symptoms: I think I am finally over all of the “morning” sickness...yay!! I am feeling much, much better than I was but I still occasionally get sick and I almost always feel just a touch of nausea. 

My skin has been freaking out! My face is so read and bumpy and I have an itchy rash on yay neck and arms. I’m going to talk to my doctor about it when we go Tuesday. 

I think I’ve also been having some round ligament pain. I’m not really sure because they’re is so much going on and I don’t really know how to tell what’s what lol. 

Cravings: Tomato sandwiches! I’ve also really just wanted anything on the sour side. I’ve noticed that I’ve been wanting a lot of citrus flavors so I’ve been eating a lot of fruits and drinking tons of lemon water. 

Aversions: Still chicken and some other meats depending on how they’re cooked. 

Gender: Still don’t know! 

Movement: None yet

Sleep: I’m having a harder time sleeping through the night. I’m not up and down, just more restless. 

Favorite moment: We’re getting the crib moved into the nursery today (Saturday) and I’m so excited! It’s the crib my brother and I used when we were babies. We also had a fun time going through my old baby clothes at my mom and dads. We even found some of my moms baby clothes so now I really want the baby to be a girl so we can dress her in all of my cute clothes!

Appointment: We have our third appointment this Tuesday and I am so anxious to get there! 

Questions:  What can I do about my skin and my face?? Help!

Goals: Finishing getting the nursery set up! Everything is moved out I just want everything to be ready but we still have a ways to go...one day at a time.

What I miss: Being able to sleep in any position I want to! I know I can still sleep on my stomach but it freaks me out so I don't and I am scared to lay on my back because I heard it can hurt the baby. I think it's really for later on but I don't want to take any chances.

What I’m looking forward to: Our appointment and hearing the heartbeat! Also, we are going to be having some blood work done to test for Spina Bifida so I am anxious to know what the results are, I am praying and trusting that everything will be fine!

Thoughts: I am already so proud of this little babe and love him/her so incredibly much. I just cannot wait to hold my little baby!


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