Pumpkin is 14 weeks

Week 14
Symptoms: I am still sick some, each week I wake up and think "this is going to be the week that the sickness ends" and, surprise it's back again! But I try to stay positive and thankful through it all, I know that I have a healthy baby and I would suffer all day everyday just to have a healthy baby.

I have been having some aching in my lower back and some pain in my lower abdomen. Definitely going to talk to my Dr. about that.

Weight: I'm not really sure, trying not to get on the scale, haha! I am definitely getting bigger because these pants will not zip anymore and most of mine don't!

Gender: Still don't know yet! We denied the Down Syndrome testing just because we aren't concerned about it and we will still love and cherish this baby if it does have Down Syndrome. But, I am wishing we had done it now so we could know the gender! I am so impatient.

Cravings: I am starting to have a few cravings but nothing intense, more just like stepping a little outside the cracker and toast zone and into cornbread! I did have a craving for vinegar a few times this week.

Movement: None yet

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good but feeling pretty tired.

Favorite moment this week: Cleaning out the baby's room! We finally had time to move everything out. We had to move all of the furniture out of the guest room and everything from the office into the guest room. We were just going to put the baby in the guest room because it would have been much easier to move but Aaron didn't like the baby's room being the first room in the house and being so far away from us so we rearranged everything! It was definitely a chore but it was fun!

Goals: Start moving and exercising more, nothing too intense, I just want to stay active.

What I'm looking forward to: Our next appointment! I just love to hear that heartbeat!

Thoughts: Is it bad that I am already nesting? I constantly want to rearrange and clean and out stuff up and organize and on and on and on. I just want everything to be perfect for my baby!


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