Pumpkin is 12 weeks

Week 12 Dec. 17- 23

Symptoms: Morning sickness...more like all day every day sickness. It really is getting MUCH better than it was but in the beginning it was really bad. It got so bad that the nurses mentioned that I may need to go to the hospital because I was unable to keep anything down. Thankfully that didn’t happen! They gave me some medicine and it finally started working to where I could at least keep crackers and sprite down! The last week or two have been so much better and I’m praying that the sickness is going away. I really have been thankful despite it all because I know that sickness means a healthy baby!

I also have been really exhausted like I cannot get enough sleep no matter what!

I have been having some pain in my lower back. I think it comes from sitting too long or either standing too long. I notice that if I am up and down steadily throughout the day it’s not as bad as when I am sitting all day. 

Weight: I think I am up four pounds. It’s hard to tell though because I lost so much weight in the beginning and I’m not certain what my weight was before I was pregnant so I’ve kind of been guessing at everything. 

Cravings: Nothing really. I have been so sick that I don’t really have any cravings. I would rather just not eat but I know that I need to for the baby! It also helps my sickness if I eat often but it’s really hard because I don’t want anything. 

Aversions: Everything lol mainly meat but there’s not much that I just really want. Mainly I just tolerate food lol

Gender: We won’t know for another month or so but I’m thinking it’s a girl...Aaron says boy! 

Movement: None yet

Sleep: oh my goodness give me all the sleep! It is all I want to do!

Favorite moment: Hearing the baby’s heartbeat at our appointment. 

Appointment: We had our second appointment this week, technically second but we have been three times because I had some bleeding that we wanted to get checked out. Thankfully everything was just fine. 

This appointment was much shorter than our first one. I was expecting to have an ultrasound because we had one at our first appointment which was very exciting! At this appointment he only listened to the heartbeat which was 161 bpm. The doctor said “It sounds like a girl!” Which confirms my prediction.

Questions: A ton! I just need the doctor to come with me everywhere so I can ask him whatever question pops in my head! 

Goals: Long term; get our house rearranged so that we will have a room for the baby, and get organized! 

Short term; Finish Christmas shopping (I know! I know!) 

I also really want to start exercising again soon. 

What I miss: Being able to eat lol and also having energy 

What I’m looking forward to: Getting some more energy back and getting my appetite back!

Thoughts: I am already so proud of this little babe and love him/her so incredibly much. I just cannot wait to hold my little baby!


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