Pumpkin is 13 weeks

Week 13 Aaron's comment, "That's going to be a big baby!"

Symptoms: I'm still getting sick in the morning and throughout the day but it is definitely better than it was in the beginning! I am hoping for better days!

Weight: +4 I think

Gender: Still don't know, still thinking girl!

Cravings: Nothing really I just want to keep food as plain as possible and not think about eating or other people eating or I'll be sick lol

Movement: None, still have a few weeks until I can feel anything!

Sleep: I am still feeling super tired but I am sleeping like a rock lol

Favorite moment this week: Spending Christmas with all of my family. I love Christmas time!

Goals: Get some names picked out for this little babe.

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling a little more human and a little less zombie-like.

Also, getting the baby's room ready and everything rearranged!

Thoughts: I am so thankful for this healthy little baby. I can't wait to grow more and for this baby to grow more. I am ready to meet my little guy/girl!


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