
Showing posts from March, 2015

Get it together

My life has been turned upside down for the past week and a half. Seriously I have been like a whirlwind running from place to place, never stopping or slowing down. I have been exhausted and have been feeling so off balance in every aspect. Between trying to get school work done, Lyceum requirements, work, housework, and visiting loved ones I have been a running around like a chicken with my head chopped off. Saturday, I took some time to reclaim order in my life. I worked out for the first time in over a week. Whoowee... that was rough! I really did not want to. But I talked myself into it. I feel soooo much better about myself and I had a ton more energy, now if I only I could remember this feeling when I wake up at 5:00am to exercise!! I also cleaned out my car (which was a MESS!), cleaned my room, the bathroom, did some laundry, made plans for the week, and organized some of my crazy mess. Man, I feel so much better now! I like order and I like for things to be in there

Isaiah 40:31

"But those who hope in The Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) This is my absolute favorite verse ever... I love every single word of this verse and the message it offers. It has gotten me through difficult times at school, many long runs, and times in life when I feel as if I may break in two. Even when it is difficult, I put my hope and trust in The Lord, knowing that He will take care of me. I am so glad that I have my savior and friend to look after me and take care of me. He knows the way and I do not, He puts me on the right path, He guides my steps and I am so glad He does not leave it up to me to make decisions. When times are difficult and the path is rough, I find my strength in Him. Put your hope in Jesus Christ, let Him build give you strength and give you wings like eagles. 

The Power of Prayer

I remember being a young girl sitting at my great aunt's funeral thinking "Why did she die? I prayed for her, I asked God to heal her and make her well." I was so confused and didn't fully understand what was going on anyway. I really just could not wrap my brain around the fact that I asked God to make her better but instead she died. Now I understand how much pain she was in and that He did make her better, He healed all of her pain and gave her an eternal life with Him that is far better than anything she could have been given on this earth. Ultimately this was the best answer to my prayers. It is so hard losing people who are so important to us. It is hard to watch them suffer and it is extremely difficult to watch them suffer and wonder why God isn't answering our prayers. We pray and beg God for healing, peace, and comfort, yet sometimes it feels like He doesn't answer our prayers but He does. He will ALWAYS listen and just may not be the

Give a little love

In our bathrooms on campus there are sticky notes posted on the mirrors, walls, and doors telling whoever is reading how beautiful they are, to love the person they are, and to smile and be encouraged.  I love seeing these. They give me so much encouragement. Whether I have struggled that morning about how I look, am overwhelmed because of responsibilities, or struggling with schoolwork, these messages give me encouragement and remind me to love who I am and enjoy the life that I have been so graciously given. This morning I was in a very bad mood and I have been so overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. I read these notes and they reminded me to smile, not give up and that everything will be okay.  I don't know who is responsible for these notes but I love that people are taking the time to encourage one another. I believe that it is very important to give encouragement, support, and love to one another.  Today I'm challenging myself and to anyone that may be reading

All Kinds of Kinds

I love people and I love human interactions. One of my favorite things to do is people watch. No, I'm not a creep...I promise. I love watching people interact with one another, I love watching people tell stories and listen to stories, I love watching someones eyes light up when they see someone they know, I love watching a mother comforting her child when they are hurting. I love how everyone is different, we all don't like the same things. Each one of us has our unique sense of style. We all don't watch the same TV shows or read the same books. We have different tastes for food. We all choose different careers or paths in life to go down. This is one reason why I chose Psychology as my major...because I truly love human interactions and I love figuring out what makes each individual "tick". I love seeing how our individuality's help us interact with one another and work together for the common good. Granted some interactions are more difficult and pain

Diva Day

Today is my last day being on Spring Break so... my mama, maw maw, and I had a "Diva Day" together! This morning, my mama and I went to get our nails done... she got a deluxe pedicure (talk about a diva!) and I got a manicure! Two of a kind The Diva herself! Mama and I were killing time waiting on my Maw Maw so we went to McAllister's for lunch. I  ALWAYS drink water especially when we eat out but when we walked in McAllister's we could smell the fresh tea brewing and I could not resist it!  mmm mmm good! Turkey melt and veggie spud Yummy!!! We don't have a McAllister's at home. The one we ate at is the closest one and it's 45 minutes away from home, so this was treat for us!  After lunch we met up with Maw Maw and shopped around some... actually we shopped a whole bunch. Shopping is our very favorite- and expensive- hobby! Then, we made a trip to Sweet Frog's... our favorite sweet treat!! my sweet Ma

Creativity Boost

Sometimes I feel like all I do is write papers. Being a psychology major requires me to do a TON of research and paper writing. I hate writing papers but I love writing blog posts! I sit around all day and think of things to write about. I sit down at my computer and just start writing and before I know it I've got a whole book written. I wish I could do this for my papers at school. Sometimes it takes me days to write a 5 page paper.  One of my goals/hopes in having this blog is that it will boost my creativity. I used to be SO creative when I was little but the older I got the less time I had to color, paint, and dance around in my room. I know that I have creativity in there somewhere I just can't seem to find it when I need it. I'm hoping to use this space as an outlet to free some space in my mind and encourage creativity then maybe writing research papers can become a little easier for me ;) <a href="

Here goes nothing...

So, I guess I'm a blogger now... I honestly have no clue what I'm doing but I'm going to give this thing a shot... The hardest thing about creating a blog was deciding on a name. I'm not completely sold on the title of my blog but I was itching to I thought of the name DayDreaming Diva and jumped on it while the thought was in my head. I find myself caught up in my thoughts a lot (daydreaming) and my friends love to call me a diva... I seem to have forgotten how to use HTML formatting, I was once a pro in my MySpace days but I retired that gig and moved on to bigger and better things. Hopefully I can brush up on my knowledge so this won't be so boring to look at! I've never been one to over share on social media... I don't pour my heart out on Facebook, sharing all of my deep personal struggles, I have a twitter but I don't tweet... I post pictures on Instagram occasionally, if I have something clever to say. Something