Get it together

My life has been turned upside down for the past week and a half. Seriously I have been like a whirlwind running from place to place, never stopping or slowing down. I have been exhausted and have been feeling so off balance in every aspect. Between trying to get school work done, Lyceum requirements, work, housework, and visiting loved ones I have been a running around like a chicken with my head chopped off. Saturday, I took some time to reclaim order in my life. I worked out for the first time in over a week. Whoowee... that was rough! I really did not want to. But I talked myself into it. I feel soooo much better about myself and I had a ton more energy, now if I only I could remember this feeling when I wake up at 5:00am to exercise!! I also cleaned out my car (which was a MESS!), cleaned my room, the bathroom, did some laundry, made plans for the week, and organized some of my crazy mess. Man, I feel so much better now! I like order and I like for things to be in there...