
Showing posts from January, 2018

Pumpkin is 17 weeks

Woah Baby! 17 week bump Symptoms: Fingers crossed, the sickness is gone! Hallelujah! I finally don't feel nauseous all the time! I am definitely feeling the pregnancy brain and I sincerely apologize to every pregnant woman I thought was crazy for saying she had it. I am still really itchy but am hoping that will get fixed soon when I see the dermatologist. I am still feeling pain in my hips, especially in the morning and after sitting for a while. Weight: +10 Cravings: Tomato sandwiches and chili cheese tots from sonic! Basically nothing healthy! I am trying to make some helathy smoothies just to sneak some extra goodness in here and there! Aversions: Chicken, bacon, and I learned this week collard greens. Gender: We will know on February 9!!!! Movement: I finally felt the flutters this week! I only feel them when I'm really still and I notice them more after I eat. I told Aaron that I tell the baby to kick me and he was like "WHY!?" I just love to

Pumpkin is 16 weeks

Week 16 Symptoms: I have been having really itchy skin not just on my stomach but everywhere! I also have a rash on my arms, neck and stomach. This isn’t super unusual for me because my skin is super sensitive but I did ask my doctor about it just to be safe and he recommended that I see a dermatologist so that’s what I’m doing!  I have also noticed that my hips have been hurting lately. I think it may be from getting adjusted to laying on my side but it could also be from everything stretching out.  Weight: +10, I probably should slow it down but I don't really know how because I am so hungry all the time now! Cravings: Tomato sandwiches still but I am getting less and less picky and my appetite is definitely growing! Aversions: Chicken and bacon.. bleh other than that I can eat just about anything. Gender: Still don’t know! Movement: none yet Sleep: I am starting to not sleep as well. I am really res

Pumpkin is 15 weeks

Week 15 Symptoms: I think I am finally over all of the “morning” sickness...yay!! I am feeling much, much better than I was but I still occasionally get sick and I almost always feel just a touch of nausea.  My skin has been freaking out! My face is so read and bumpy and I have an itchy rash on yay neck and arms. I’m going to talk to my doctor about it when we go Tuesday.  I think I’ve also been having some round ligament pain. I’m not really sure because they’re is so much going on and I don’t really know how to tell what’s what lol.  Cravings: Tomato sandwiches! I’ve also really just wanted anything on the sour side. I’ve noticed that I’ve been wanting a lot of citrus flavors so I’ve been eating a lot of fruits and drinking tons of lemon water.  Aversions: Still chicken and some other meats depending on how they’re cooked.  Gender: Still don’t know!  Movement: None yet Sleep: I’m having a harder time sleeping through the

Pumpkin is 14 weeks

Week 14 Symptoms: I am still sick some, each week I wake up and think "this is going to be the week that the sickness ends" and, surprise it's back again! But I try to stay positive and thankful through it all, I know that I have a healthy baby and I would suffer all day everyday just to have a healthy baby. I have been having some aching in my lower back and some pain in my lower abdomen. Definitely going to talk to my Dr. about that. Weight: I'm not really sure, trying not to get on the scale, haha! I am definitely getting bigger because these pants will not zip anymore and most of mine don't! Gender: Still don't know yet! We denied the Down Syndrome testing just because we aren't concerned about it and we will still love and cherish this baby if it does have Down Syndrome. But, I am wishing we had done it now so we could know the gender! I am so impatient. Cravings: I am starting to have a few cravings but nothing intense, more just like

Pumpkin is 13 weeks

Week 13 Aaron's comment, "That's going to be a big baby!" Symptoms: I'm still getting sick in the morning and throughout the day but it is definitely better than it was in the beginning! I am hoping for better days! Weight: +4 I think Gender: Still don't know, still thinking girl! Cravings: Nothing really I just want to keep food as plain as possible and not think about eating or other people eating or I'll be sick lol Movement: None, still have a few weeks until I can feel anything! Sleep: I am still feeling super tired but I am sleeping like a rock lol Favorite moment this week: Spending Christmas with all of my family. I love Christmas time! Goals: Get some names picked out for this little babe. What I'm looking forward to: Feeling a little more human and a little less zombie-like. Also, getting the baby's room ready and everything rearranged! Thoughts: I am so thankful for this healthy little baby. I can't wait to g

Pumpkin is 12 weeks

Week 12 Dec. 17- 23 Symptoms: Morning sickness...more like all day every day sickness. It really is getting MUCH better than it was but in the beginning it was really bad. It got so bad that the nurses mentioned that I may need to go to the hospital because I was unable to keep anything down. Thankfully that didn’t happen! They gave me some medicine and it finally started working to where I could at least keep crackers and sprite down! The last week or two have been so much better and I’m praying that the sickness is going away. I really have been thankful despite it all because I know that sickness means a healthy baby! I also have been really exhausted like I cannot get enough sleep no matter what! I have been having some pain in my lower back. I think it comes from sitting too long or either standing too long. I notice that if I am up and down steadily throughout the day it’s not as bad as when I am sitting all day.  Weight: I think I am


"We're going to need another ticket next season...our little Gamecock is expected to arrive July, 2018" On October 29, 2017, our first anniversary, we found out that we are expecting our first child! I did not suspect at all that I was pregnant but because of some ongoing issues, I decided to take a test so that when I went back to the doctor I could say for certain that I was not pregnant. To my surprise, I took the test and it was positive. Complete shock took over me, the word "YES" on that screen was the last thing I expected to see. Aaron was in the living room and I gasped, he responded very anxiously "what does it say?" I walked out and said, "It's positive". This was not at all how I envisioned sharing the new with him. I always thought that I would take the test in private and find a cute way to surprise him later on. With him being in shock as well, his response to me was maybe you should take another one just to be sure