Sometimes He calms the storm

"Sometimes He calms the storm...other times He calms the child..."

When I was young girl I used to be terrified of storms. I was afraid that my family and I would be hurt and that my house and all of my sentimental belongings would be destroyed. What really frightened me was the unpredictability of the storm. I like to be in control, I like to know what's going on and what is going to happen in the future. You can imagine what being in the middle of an unpredictable storm was like for me...not good.

...And this is why I was so terrified

I remember my mother always telling me and sometimes singing to me the lyrics of a popular christian song, "Sometimes He calms the storm...other times He calms the child..." When she first said this to me I didn't find much comfort in it... I thought "Mama..really?? That is not very helpful..You must not know how scary this is for me?" I would pray that God would stop the storms because I was so afraid of them. Sometimes they would stop and I would praise Him, other times they would go on for hours and so my fear would escalate causing me to resent Him. When I finally realized the message of these words my life changed. When a storm would come I would repeat these words to myself over and became a prayer for me. I would pray that God would calm the storm and if He didn't calm the storm that He would calm me. Over time my fear of storms went away, I was no longer afraid because God calmed me, he calmed His child.

I really enjoy thunderstorms now because I know that despite of the chaos and destruction, the God of all creation is in control and even though things get messy their will be a beautiful ending. I think about this song every time there is a storm. In my adult life I have truly realized the importance of this lesson that my mother taught me through the words of this song. Storms in life, especially adult life, are far more scary than any storm in nature. Because of these words and my prayer I am able to face the storms of life with complete confidence that my God will take care of me. No matter how loud or violent storms of my life become I have faith that God will protect me and see me through to the end. Although He may not always stop the storm He will calm me so that I can face he storm without fear of what will happen next.

Life is unpredictable and I still struggle with being in control of everything. I am so thankful for this lesson, it truly changed my life. I did not realize at the time how big of an impact it would have and that these words would get me through the trials of life. Because of who God is I do not have to live in fear of anything. He will calm the storm BUT if calming the storm isn't His plan, He will calm His child.


  1. i don't think i've ever heard that before, but i LOVE it! so true!


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