Adventures in gardening...

I love getting fresh fruits and vegetables in the summer time and I really want to have a "real" garden so I thought I would test out my green thumb with something small... so my daddy and I planted an herb garden Monday evening.

I have been wanting to do this for a while but I had absolutely no idea where to start. I loooove cooking with fresh herbs but they can get kind of pricey and I never use all that I buy before they go bad. I thought this would be a good way to have fresh ingredients on hand and try out a new hobby. I told my daddy about it and naturally, he got all of the stuff for me ( I have him wrapped around my finger haha). He got everything I needed and it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought, probably because daddy had everything ready for me! All we had to do was put the soil in the planters and dump the seeds in! 

Italian leaf Parsley and Slow Bolt Cilantro
Garden Sage
Basil and Dill.. the dill seeds smelled so good!

I hope that my "garden" is prosperous and bears many herbs! I can't wait to watch my little herbs grow! 


  1. such a daddy's girl ;) does it look like it's gonna be cheaper than buying it at the grocery store?


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