Pumpkin Week 25-29

Pumpkin is 26 Weeks 

Pumpkin is 25 Weeks
Pumpkin is 27 Weeks
Pumpkin is 28 Weeks

Pumpkin is 29 Weeks

 So, things have been really crazy these four weeks and nothing has changed in a major way for me from week to week so I am going to lump these weeks together to make it easier for me!

Symptoms: Been having some pressure in my lower abdomen and pelvic area, nothing major, just annoying. Sometimes he moves or kicks me so low that he feels as if he is just going to come right on out! I asked my mom about this and she said it was completely normal, still so weird.

I am really starting to swell, before now I would swell and could get the swelling to go down but now it pretty much stays

Weight: let's not talk about it...

Cravings: I'm not sure if it's in my mind or what but I am really craving fresh, healthy food. The problem is that it takes so much effort to prepare what I am craving that I usually just refer to junk.

I have had a really bad hankering for grapes and grape juice.

I also have a pretty persistent sweet tooth! 

Aversions: I THINK my chicken and bacon aversion might be gone for good!

Gender: Sweet Boy

Movement: This boy is WILD he moves all the time and is starting to really kick hard! When I lay down at night it seriously feels like he is tap dancing.

Sleep: Some nights are good and some nights are not so good!

Favorite moment during these weeks: Spring game with my family,celebrating my bff during her bachelorette weekend at the beach, celebrating Easter, and watching my best friend get married!

Questions: None this week.

Goals: Make it to week 40!

What I miss: Being small and able to move and bend freely, moving is getting harder and harder!

What I'm looking forward to: Having our last four week appointment and getting closer to meeting our little guy! I am also looking forward to our showers and getting to see all the people I love the most!

Thoughts: I am tired! I have really enjoyed all the celebrations and the fun times but I am tired and ready to slow down a little bit!


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