Pumpkin 30-34 weeks

Week 32/33
Week 31/32

Week 33/34
I have really been slacking on pictures lately. For a few reasons, one I honestly keep forgetting! I know it's terrible but the end of the week comes and I think "Oh man, I haven't documented". There really isn't that much change from week to week now which is another reason why I haven't been so adamant about it. I also really don't enjoy taking pictures right now so it's not really fun for me like it used to be.

Symptoms: pressure, pressure, pressure! I am now really wishing I would have continued working out because I am HEAVY and uncomfortable and I know that part of it is because I've gained so much weight and lost so much muscle.

So. Much. Swelling. Everywhere. It's in my hands, feet, face, fingers, everywhere. 

My skin is SO itchy, like everywhere, I just want to claw my skin all the time!

Weight: let's not talk about it...

Cravings: I always feel so weird because I have not had pregnancy cravings that I have heard other women having. I haven't want pickled ice cream or or a mayo chocolate sandwich. I also haven't had any cravings that I would just die for.

I have noticed that there are times when I'm like I just really want something salty right now or I really need something sweet.

One thing however that is SUPER weird is that I have been wanting doughnuts. I wouldn't say it's a craving but I have had the desire to eat a doughnut. The reason why this is so weird is because I HATE doughnuts, like I can't even stand the smell of them. For some reason pregnancy changed my taste buds according to doughnuts.

Aversions: My chicken aversion is g-o-n-e. I feel somewhat normal again!!

Gender: Sweet Boy

Movement:  A whole lot of kicking, squirming, and dancing going on!

Sleep: Sleep has not been something I have excelled at these past few weeks.

Favorite moment during these weeks: These weeks have been emotional. After my best friends wedding On Saturday April 21, I ended up sick and in the emergency room. I was sick and in the hospital this same exact time last year expect it was much worse. We were very proactive this time and did not take any chances, especially because I am pregnant. I was seen in the emergency room for an asthma attack and given breathing treatments and sent home. I  worked some the following week but ended up taking the next week off of work to recover but, did not get any better. On Wednesday, I realized that I had cracked or broken a rib. This also happened last year from all of the harsh coughing I did for such a long time so I knew exactly what it felt like. I called my lung doctor and he prescribed me with a medication to take to control the coughing and the pain if it got too bad (I never took it). On that Friday I was scheduled for an ultrasound echo cardiogram and ultrasound of my heart because my OB was concerned about the condition of my heart (will speak to this in a separate post). My lung doctor was not concerned initially but when I mentioned pain in my chest he ordered this test along with the appointment with the cardiologist ordered by my OB. I went to the appointment with my mom and it was torturous. I had to lay on my left side which was where the pain was and she poked and prodded and my sore chest, I was fighting tears the whole time. After this appointment, Aaron and I were scheduled to see my OB, it was a terrible appointment which led to us leaving that practice and going to a new doctor, like I said this deserves a completely separate post which will come later. At this appointment, I was given my second round of antibiotics and steroids for this pregnancy (this baby is going to come out looking like The Hulk). After I got the steroid in me, I felt a million times better!

Finally, we were headed to the beach for the weekend with family and friends! It was a great relaxing weekend and was much needed!

After all that craziness we met our new doctors at a completely new practice. We all feel so relieved and are truly in love with the practice!

Questions: Whew, I started off with many but now have only a few.

At first there were a lot of questions and concerns about my heart and my lungs. My new doctor is not concerned one bit about the condition of my heart which makes me feel tons better.

I have got to figure out this itching, especially on my stomach. It is so uncomfortable.

Goals: Make it to week 40!

What I miss: Being able to go on runs and exercise like I used to. 

What I'm looking forward to: Having our last four week appointment and getting closer to meeting our little guy! I am also looking forward to our showers and getting to see all the people I love the most!

Thoughts: Everyone keeps telling me I am not going to make it to July 1, I am trying to not get these thoughts in my head because I know that I will likely go past my due date since this is my first child. After these past few weeks especially, I am just ready to have him here, he can come on anytime!

I am also really thankful for God's provision and that He is in control. These weeks have been stressful and scary at times. There have been a lot of unanswered questions and time of insecurity. I am just thankful that He is taking care of us.


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