Pumpkin; Week 22 and 23

Symptoms: Sore hips, itchy belly, some swelling in my feet.

Weight: +25, eek

Cravings: Ice cream, pizza sticks from teh cafeteria, and breakfast pizza! I still haven't had any "give it to me or I'll die" cravings like I hear people talk about.I have also been craving grapes, I ate a whole bag this week by myself!

Aversions: Chicken, steak, bacon...the usual

Gender: Precious boy

Movement: Feeling more and more movement. Still pretty random but I have noticed that I am feeling him more when I am standing up and moving, not only when I'm still.

Sleep: I am sleeping but it's pretty uncomfortable.

Favorite moment this week: Aaron felt the baby move for the first time this week which was very exciting! I have been trying to get him to feel him for so long but the little booger stops as soon as I call Aaron's name. We finally got him this time!

Questions: None this week.

Appointment: We had our second to last  4 week appointment. Next time will be out last 4 week appointment as well as the glucose test, yay!

Goals: Still need to work on my eating. I know I can't and shouldn't die it but I feel so big and that I should do something to prevent gaining much more weight!

What I miss: Being able to bend over freely! I still can move somewhat freely but I can tell that my range of motion is getting more and more limited lol

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling more and more kicks!

Thoughts: I am feeling discouraged this week because my doctor pointed out my swollen feet and my weight gain. He told me to focus on eating fresh foods and stay away from frozen, fast food, and canned foods as they have a lot of sodium in them. I also am hearing many comments from people about how big I am and it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I know that my body is going to do what it's going to do while being pregnant and while I can control some things, there is a lot that is out of my control.


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