Pumpkin is 21 Weeks

Symptoms: Itchy belly and swollen feet!

Weight: +20, eek

Cravings:I have just been craving sweets and candy which is really unlike me! Before I was pregnant, I was SUPER healthy and did not eat much candy. Now it's like all I want!

Aversions: What is with meat and pregnancy? I just can't do it.

Gender: Sweet Boy 

Movement: Still feeling movement but it is very random! Some days I feel him move more than others.

Sleep: I'm not sleeping the best ever and I wake up with my hips hurting. I do still have some energy!

Favorite moment this week: Going to see "Annie" with my mom and Janet. Although it was uncomfortable to sit for so long, I still had a great time!

Questions: None this week.

Goals: Move more and drink water, like usual!

What I miss:The desire to eat healthy and exercise! I always thought that I would be super healthy during pregnancy but the desire just is not there. I do want to be healthy for my baby but I just don't want healthy food and my motivation has bottomed out!

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this baby boy

Thoughts: I can't believe how fast time seems to be moving. At the same time, it feels like July is SO far away! Hurry up July 1!


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