
This week is my last week of classes as an undergraduate I want to take a few moments to reflect and document some of my thoughts during this last week. I am having conflicting emotions over this fact. On one hand I am SO over school and am SO ready to be done and move on to the next chapter of my life. But on the other hand I am not ready to be done and go out into the real "real world". My college experience has been absolutely amazing. I have been blessed with getting to know and become roommates and best friends with three wonderful girls. I have learned so much about myself, I have grown in my faith and gained a deeper understanding and love for God. I have gained a greater appreciation for family and understand how important support from family means to a individual. I have been fortunate (yes, you read that correctly) to study, read, and write many papers that have expanded my knowledge. Despite my frequent complaints, I have been truly blessed wit...