Summer fun

 This summer has flown by... I feel like I have not stopped since May 16. Between multiple beach trips, Camp Caswell, babysitting, and getting things ready for the fall, my life has been a whirlwind. I want to document and keep track of everything but I just don't have time to stop and do it. So, this post is an effort to record the events of this crazy summer!

My summer started off with a bang...I tagged along with the family that I nanny for on a trip to the beach. I have been so fortunate to nanny for a family who I love so very much for the last 3 summers. They are always so gracious to take me along with them when they go to the beach in the summer. I go to help out with the kids and just be an extra hand. It is always such a fun trip to go on and doesn't feel like work at all lol! They treat me as one of their own and I'm so thankful for them and everything they have done for me over the years.

The next week I took off with my church's youth group to Camp Caswell. I attended this camp for eight summers as a youth and loved every minute I was there. I had forgotten just how amazing this place was until we got there. It truly is amazing how present the Holy Spirit is. We always call it being in the Caswell bubble because everyone is so aware of The Spirit and the work The Lord is doing and there is an assurance that everyone there has the same morals and beliefs and there's no pressure to be someone you're not. I believe that heaven will be very similar to what being at Caswell is like. There is such a freedom there, freedom to worship, pray, discuss, laugh, and love on one another and God. I could go on and on about this place and that week... But that's for another time. 

Two weeks after that my family and our "extended" family (our close family friends) packed up to head to the beach for week. We had a great time relaxing, laying on the beach, riding bikes, and eating! I love just laying on the beach and swimming in the ocean. Yes, I did swim in the ocean despite the threat of sharks!! 

In between these trips I would spend my days keeping the kids. I love to play outside but it has been so hot this summer that we usually just play inside. We love to go to the pool but can't make it everyday. I love that I get to spend my days with them, they teach me so much about life. 

I also have been studying, taking tests and getting things ready for my new adventure in the fall. I never thought this would happen but, I'm going to be teaching in the fall!! I have a Bachelors degree in Psychology and am hoping to earn a Masters in School Psychology, but until then I will be teaching. Since my degree is not in education, I'm having to do what is called "lateral entry". Really all that means is that I have to take a series of tests in order to be a certified teacher. I will also have to take a few more classes but that comes later on. Right now I'm scrambling to get the tests done before school starts and trying to fit that in my crazy schedule is challenging. I'm so excited but I'm starting to get very nervous. The school that I will be teaching at is where I went to elementary school so, I will be teaching with all of the teachers that taught me. My mom will also be returning to this school to teach. I'm so relieved to have her there with me. I know that everyone will be so helpful and encouraging but I also know that everyone is going to be watching me to see what I do. I definitely do not want to let anyone down. 

I'm so excited and thankful for all of the opportunities this summer has brought me. This fall is going to be so rewarding but challenging, I know. I wish that I could restart this summer so I could sit back and enjoy it a little bit more. But I know that there was a reason for everything that happened and I can't wait to see what all the hard work and chaos from this summer will bring! 


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