First grade

I just finished my first week as a first grade teacher....

First day of first grade!

I still feel like I'm "playing" teacher and it doesn't help that one of my kiddos asked me on Friday if I was a real teacher...umm?? YES!

I NEVER, I mean NEVER imagined myself being a teacher. Of course I always played teacher when I was little but I never really saw myself pursuing a career in education. My mom is a teacher, an amazing teacher, and I have seen every negative as well as every positive thing that comes with being a teacher. I always thought, " You know, I could do that, I love working with children but I don't want to do it." So, I took another route, earning a degree in Psychology. During the end of my college career I started to realize that maybe I did want to work in the school system, it just felt right to be in a school. I had thought about working in the hospital setting and it may be something I explore later but it just never felt right. Every time I walked into a school I just felt so comfortable and so at home. So, I began researching and discovered School Psychology... perfect for me. I applied to one program, knowing that I most likely would not get accepted (worth a shot though), in hopes of attending in the fall. After I did not get accepted, I sort of felt lost... I had been a student for the majority of my life and quite honestly the thought of not being a student scared me to death. But, I had faith that God would provide and take care of me. I had a couple of options as far as jobs for the fall, teaching being the last one on my list.

I am going to say this now, one of the biggest lessons I learned through all of this is to be careful what I say I will or will not do because sometimes God has a bigger and better plan for your life.

I started doing some substitute teaching to earn some extra money and very quickly and unexpectedly fell in love with it. I knew then right where I needed to be. I began inquiring about the requirements for me to become a teacher and I mean it when I say that from then on it was ALL God. I could not have orchestrated it anymore perfectly. Everything literally fell into place which then gave me the ultimate assurance that I was doing exactly what I needed to be doing. I know that God is always in control and He always will take care of me but this proved it to me. I was so scared, I tried not to let it show, but I was scared of what would happen if I didn't have a job. I was more scared of what would happen to my motivation than anything. But, The Lord is good and He provided for me, I trusted in Him and He took care of me. I know that things will not always be this easy but I know I will look back on this journey and remember all of the lessons I learned from this.

Being a teacher is hard work, I knew that it was work but I didn't know just how much until I became one myself. I have taken more naps this week than I have in my life and my legs and feet constantly hurt. But, I love it, I absolutely love it, I look forward to seeing each of those precious faces every morning. No matter how grouchy I may feel or how frustrated I get, they still seem to love me and don't hold back on the hugs and positive words. I am also so blessed to be surrounded by a group of people who have lifted me up, encouraged me, and prayed for me so much. I know without them I would not have made it. I am actually teaching at the Elementary School that I attended so I am working with all of my old teachers which is challenging but so helpful. My mom is also teaching with me and I seriously could not do this without her help.

This past week was crazy, exhausting, scary, and fun! I love my precious children and each one of them is already teaching me more than I could ever teach them.


  1. I LOVE this! literally had chills reading it! God is so good to us!


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