Pumpkin 35-39 Weeks

Week 487993 Finally, the home stretch!! Hallelujah! Sing His praises! Before I got pregnant I remember thinking, "I hope I'm not one of those women that you can't ever tell that they're pregnant."...HAH! Symptoms: Pain. Braxton Hicks. Nesting. Stretch marks. Itching. Nausea. Vomiting. Exhaustion. Forgetfulness. Did I miss anything? I am really feeling pregnant now. Weight: I'm just going to say it +70. I'm not proud of it but that's the number. Cravings: I have had this thing about milk lately, especially chocolate milk. Once again not really a "craving" just like "I could really go for a glass of milk" kind of thing. Aversions: NONE!! Gender: Sweet Boy Movement: A whole lot of kicking, squirming, and dancing going on! Sleep: What is sleep??? Favorite moment during these weeks: Baby showers! Questions:So the itching and the rash went away but then the itching came back but the rash didn't...