
Showing posts from June, 2018

Pumpkin 35-39 Weeks

Week 487993 Finally, the home stretch!! Hallelujah! Sing His praises!  Before I got pregnant I remember thinking, "I hope I'm not one of those women that you can't ever tell that they're pregnant."...HAH!   Symptoms: Pain. Braxton Hicks. Nesting. Stretch marks. Itching. Nausea. Vomiting. Exhaustion. Forgetfulness. Did I miss anything? I am really feeling pregnant now. Weight: I'm just going to say it +70. I'm not proud of it but that's the number. Cravings: I have had this thing about milk lately, especially chocolate milk. Once again not really a "craving" just like "I could really go for a glass of milk" kind of thing. Aversions: NONE!! Gender: Sweet Boy Movement:  A whole lot of kicking, squirming, and dancing going on! Sleep:  What is sleep??? Favorite moment during these weeks: Baby showers! Questions:So the itching and the rash went away but then the itching came back but the rash didn't...

Pumpkin 30-34 weeks

Week 32/33 Week 31/32 Week 33/34 I have really been slacking on pictures lately. For a few reasons, one I honestly keep forgetting! I know it's terrible but the end of the week comes and I think "Oh man, I haven't documented". There really isn't that much change from week to week now which is another reason why I haven't been so adamant about it. I also really don't enjoy taking pictures right now so it's not really fun for me like it used to be. Symptoms: pressure, pressure, pressure! I am now really wishing I would have continued working out because I am HEAVY and uncomfortable and I know that part of it is because I've gained so much weight and lost so much muscle. So. Much. Swelling. Everywhere. It's in my hands, feet, face, fingers, everywhere.  My skin is SO itchy, like everywhere, I just want to claw my skin all the time! Weight: let's not talk about it... Cravings: I always feel so weird because I have n...

Pumpkin Week 25-29

Pumpkin is 26 Weeks  Pumpkin is 25 Weeks       Pumpkin is 27 Weeks Pumpkin is 28 Weeks Pumpkin is 29 Weeks  So, things have been really crazy these four weeks and nothing has changed in a major way for me from week to week so I am going to lump these weeks together to make it easier for me! Symptoms: Been having some pressure in my lower abdomen and pelvic area, nothing major, just annoying. Sometimes he moves or kicks me so low that he feels as if he is just going to come right on out! I asked my mom about this and she said it was completely normal, still so weird. I am really starting to swell, before now I would swell and could get the swelling to go down but now it pretty much stays Weight: let's not talk about it... Cravings: I'm not sure if it's in my mind or what but I am really craving fresh, healthy food. The problem is that it takes so much effort to prepare what I am craving that I usually just refer to jun...