Pumpkin is 24 weeks

Symptoms: My back hurts! I also am feeling more pressure in my stomach, so fun! In other news, I feel like my itchy skin and Rosacea are clearing up some! Weight: +25, oh my! Cravings: I am still just hungry all the time! However, I am starting to crave more healthy, fresh food, which is good! Aversions: Chicken, bacon, steak...unless it's chopped! Gender: Sweet Boy Movement: This guy moves a whole lot! Except for the one day I'm not feeling well and he gave us all a scare! Sleep: Still don't feel rested but I am sleeping! Favorite moment this week: This has been a very emotional week. A lifelong friend who was like family passed away unexpectedly this week. It has been really hard to process and being pregnant hasn't really helped with my emotions. It's hard to see her family hurting as well as my mom who was her best friend. I have tried to stay calm but there have been multiple times where I have just broken down. We are all just heartbr...