
Showing posts from April, 2018

Pumpkin is 24 weeks

Symptoms: My back hurts! I also am feeling more pressure in my stomach, so fun! In other news, I feel like my itchy skin and Rosacea are clearing up some!  Weight: +25, oh my! Cravings: I am still just hungry all the time! However, I am starting to crave more healthy, fresh food, which is good!  Aversions: Chicken, bacon, steak...unless it's chopped! Gender: Sweet Boy Movement: This guy moves a whole lot! Except for the one day I'm not feeling well and he gave us all a scare! Sleep: Still don't feel rested but I am sleeping! Favorite moment this week: This has been a very emotional week. A lifelong friend who was like family passed away unexpectedly this week. It has been really hard to process and being pregnant hasn't really helped with my emotions. It's hard to see her family hurting as well as my mom who was her best friend. I have tried to stay calm but there have been multiple times where I have just broken down. We are all just heartbr

Pumpkin; Week 22 and 23

Symptoms: Sore hips, itchy belly, some swelling in my feet. Weight: +25, eek Cravings: Ice cream, pizza sticks from teh cafeteria, and breakfast pizza! I still haven't had any "give it to me or I'll die" cravings like I hear people talk about.I have also been craving grapes, I ate a whole bag this week by myself! Aversions: Chicken, steak, bacon...the usual Gender: Precious boy Movement: Feeling more and more movement. Still pretty random but I have noticed that I am feeling him more when I am standing up and moving, not only when I'm still. Sleep: I am sleeping but it's pretty uncomfortable. Favorite moment this week: Aaron felt the baby move for the first time this week which was very exciting! I have been trying to get him to feel him for so long but the little booger stops as soon as I call Aaron's name. We finally got him this time! Questions: None this week. Appointment: We had our second to last  4 week appointment. Next time

Pumpkin is 21 Weeks

Symptoms: Itchy belly and swollen feet! Weight: +20, eek Cravings:I have just been craving sweets and candy which is really unlike me! Before I was pregnant, I was SUPER healthy and did not eat much candy. Now it's like all I want! Aversions: What is with meat and pregnancy? I just can't do it. Gender: Sweet Boy  Movement: Still feeling movement but it is very random! Some days I feel him move more than others. Sleep: I'm not sleeping the best ever and I wake up with my hips hurting. I do still have some energy! Favorite moment this week: Going to see "Annie" with my mom and Janet. Although it was uncomfortable to sit for so long, I still had a great time! Questions: None this week. Goals: Move more and drink water, like usual! What I miss:The desire to eat healthy and exercise! I always thought that I would be super healthy during pregnancy but the desire just is not there. I do want to be healthy for my baby but I just don't wan