Homeowners :) 

Wow...we are now officially homeowners....WHAT??

It is so hard to believe that everything Aaron and I ever dreamed about or talked about is now becoming a reality...

We closed on our house on March 18. Aaron moved in around the middle of April and I will move in on October 29 :)

Everyone always asks how in the world did you find this house? I love this story because I believe that it was ALL God and none of Mary Kait and Aaron.

So, before we got engaged Aaron and I were looking into buying a house together (he would live in it until we got married). We knew we were going to be getting engaged soon and there were some houses in our area at really good prices and we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. We began looking and found some really great places at really good prices but it just didn't feel right. You know that feeling, I just knew that we needed to wait.

We got engaged in December and once we got home and were deciding on wedding plans I heard one of the houses we were looking at before was being pursued by someone else. I jumped on it, I called the realtor and we set up an appointment. We had already seen the house but decided to look again with our parents. We made an offer but we couldn't get it at a price where we felt comfortable. Even though we both loved the house, we decided to walk away. At this point we were kind of hopeless, we knew what was out there and everything was above our price range or needed too much work. We weren't interested in renting but would if we had to.

I spent all of my free time looking at real estate websites and knew all the details of every available house in our area. Aaron an I would spend evenings riding around looking at house. I would give him all the details as we rode around...it really was fun!

In late January we found a house we were interested in and it was in our price range. I called the realtor who is a dear friend and she was more than happy to help. We had some concerns about the house but we knew that anything we got would need some work and were willing to do what we needed. We went to the house and left disappointed. As we were leaving, the realtor said she had another house that we might be interested in. I didn't recognize it as it wasn't anywhere online. She showed us some pictures and asked if we wanted to ride over and check it out. As I was saying "Yeah, let's do it!" Aaron is giving me "the look", as in "no, I'm done, we are not going over to look at another house that is going to disappoint". We get in the car and he really has no choice as I have insisted in front of the realtor that we are going to go check it out. I give him my little spiel "We have nothing to lose we might as well go look while we are out..blah blah blah. We ride up to the house, pull into the driveway and he goes "YES, this is it, this is the one!" Um, what!?!

He was right...it was the one, we had finally found our starter home and it was perfect. Hardwood floors, in WONDERFUL condition all the way through. No major damages. Plenty of storage space. Three bedrooms and a bathroom. A nice size kitchen that opens into the living room. A carport and a screen porch! And, it was in our price range...well below our price range!

God was all up in that situation, working in ways that we couldn't even see. Last year I was talking with someone about some decisions career wise. She shared with me her favorite verse that says something like 'The lord goes before me and prepares the way'. I have thought of this verse frequently over the past year but even more so as we have embarked on this adventure! The Lord was preparing the way for us to find this house. We had to face some disappoint and trials before we saw what He was doing. I am so glad we didn't move and make decisions when we thought we should have. We listened and waited and everything literally fell into place. Even when I worried and doubted, He didn't give up, He didn't stop working. He is still working and blessing us immensely, going before us and preparing the way for us. We are so grateful for our little home and for the blessing The Lord has bestowed upon us.



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