Jesus is the answer

I am sitting here watching Good Morning America and I have some thoughts. 

There is a guest on the show who is a self help guru. This man promises the answers to financial security as well as how to be grateful. He has supposedly coached millions of people into living a better, more grateful life while simultaneously coaching some of the wealthiest people in their financial endeavors. 

A couple of thoughts..... 

1. This is shows just how misguided we are as humans, "Teach me, man, how to make the most money but also teach me how to be grateful."  I have always heard that money is the root of all evil but I never truly understood it until recently. The people of this world, especially the US are so wrapped up in money and how they can have more and buy more than their neighbor. To me, this man and what he teaches is doing nothing but making that desire greater. All the while he is probably rolling in it from all the press and publications. I also have the question of how can you truly be grateful for what you have when you are constantly wanting and needing more? Can he answer that? Probably not. Perhaps, if we weren't constantly needing more we wouldn't need someone to teach us how to be grateful. 

2. At the end of his segment he led the audience through an exercise where they were instructed to put their hand on their hearts and think about three things they were grateful for. They were also instructed to think of something that was troubling them in their lives. He instructed them to put themselves in the situation of gratefulness while thinking about the thing that upset them and to raise their hand if they knew how they were going to handle the stressful situation. I did this just to go along with it and see what would happen. Nothing. I felt no different and I didn't have an answer, well I did but I'm sure it wasn't anything he would want to hear. My answer was The Lord, The Lord will supply all of my needs, He will take care of me. Why do I need to put my hope in the false promises of a man when the King of ALL Kings has already taken care of that for me. I just wanted to scream that through my TV to the people in the audience. 

Money is not all that this life is about and it will end up destroying you if you put your hope and trust in it. Yes having money is important and is necessary to live in this day comfortably. However, money and how much of it we have should not be what our entire life is about.
If you are looking to find a life of content.... If you are searching for ways to be more grateful....If you are looking for the secret to happiness.... Then I have your answer!!!! You can find all of these things in a man named Jesus. He is better than any self help book you will ever find. He will supply all of your needs, He will give you comfort when you are hurting, He will give you shelter when you have no place to go, He will clothe you, He will you feed you when you are hungry, He will dry your tears, He will give you joy and peace, and He will give you a life with no end!!! All you have to do is accept his promises and believe him... That's it! It's not hard, I promise!! Don't put your faith in a man, woman, book..whatever it may be who promises you gratitude and wealth.... They WILL let you down..... Jesus won't. 


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