Dreams really do come true...

So I am going to cry...

Aaron and I have been together for SIX YEARS. We started dating when I was a Junior in high school and he was a Sophomore. We were babies. He played soccer and football and I was a majorette. He was funny and laid back, I was a little more uptight and reserved. He could always make me laugh no matter what and I loved that (and still do). A lot of the memories I have from the beginning of our relationship seem very silly and they were. Like I said we were babies. We were very immature and had a whole lot to learn. But we did love each other, as much as a 16 and 17 year old could love each other. I guess I look at our relationship now and how much we've grown and I just think "Wow...we really thought we knew then but we didn't know a thing."

One of my favorite pictures of us!

One of our first pictures together...aww!

Friday nights!

Aaron and I have literally grown up together these past six years. I went off to college and he started his career as an EMT. It definitely has not been easy but there have been many sacrifices made because we knew that our relationship was worth it. One thing I love about our relationship is that it is not just one person giving their all. We both give and we both sacrifice but in different ways. That was one hard lesson that we both struggled to learn. We still are not perfect and we have a lot of room for improvement but we are better than we used to be. I am so thankful that he stuck with me these past six years. I could not imagine anyone more perfect for me.

Another favorite!

So, the proposal...

On December 18, 2016 my family + Aaron + my brother's girlfriend, Alexandra loaded up in a minivan and took off to Walt Disney World!! I was so excited, I love Disney World, I literally daydream about being there. We planned to stay until December 23. We had 4 day park hopper passes and planned to do EVERYTHING! I couldn't have been happier. On our third day there, December 21, we planned to go to Animal Kingdom during the day and then back to Magic Kingdom that night to see the parades. So, we had a great day at Animal Kingdom, ate a late lunch at Rainforest Cafe, then went back to our rooms to take a nap. At 8:00 we headed back to Magic Kingdom. We rode a few rides and then went to search for a spot to watch the parade. We found the perfect spot right in front of the castle!

Look at it....just beautiful!

Aaron kept saying he wanted to go up to the castle and take pictures after the parade. Usually that would have struck me as odd because he hates taking pictures but he had been wanting to take pictures the whole time! After the parade was over the park emptied out there was hardly anyone there! We walked right up to Cinderella's Castle which Elsa had "frozen". Disney World is extremely crowded at Christmas, like unbearable. So the fact that we walked right up to the castle was so exciting to me. It was so beautiful. Aaron and I are taking pictures and I notice everyone has their camera out...umm? We took a couple pictures and I was thinking "Let's get everyone else up here in the pics!". I start calling my family up to join us and nobody moves...I turn to look at Aaron and he is getting down on one knee. I could not believe it.. I was shocked!! I just laughed and looked around me at everything because I wanted to remember everything. After a while I guess he got nervous because I wasn't saying anything so he started saying "Mary, I need an answer, give me an answer please!".... "WELL DUH!" was my thought! After laughing for about five minutes I finally said "YES!"

Right before the big moment!

Ahhhh!! Is this real??
**I am just now noticing that we were totally matching...how cute!!**

 I have always dreamed of getting engaged in front of Cinderella's castle but never did I think it would actually happen. I am so proud of Aaron for pulling it off...it was AMAZING! It was the most magical moment of my life. I wish I could go back and relive it over and over again. I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.

Love him!

Our first picture as an engaged couple!

It's crazy to actually be in this place now, planning a wedding and a life together. We always dreamed of it and talked about it and now it's coming true. We are so excited and so very happy!


  1. y'all are precious! bottom picture is by far my favorite ever! SOO excited to be sharing in this special time with you!


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