
Showing posts from 2016


Homeowners :)  Wow...we are now officially homeowners....WHAT?? It is so hard to believe that everything Aaron and I ever dreamed about or talked about is now becoming a reality... We closed on our house on March 18. Aaron moved in around the middle of April and I will move in on October 29 :) Everyone always asks how in the world did you find this house? I love this story because I believe that it was ALL God and none of Mary Kait and Aaron. So, before we got engaged Aaron and I were looking into buying a house together (he would live in it until we got married). We knew we were going to be getting engaged soon and there were some houses in our area at really good prices and we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. We began looking and found some really great places at really good prices but it just didn't feel right. You know that feeling, I just knew that we needed to wait. We got engaged in December and once we got home and were deciding on wedding plans I

Jesus is the answer

I am sitting here watching Good Morning America and I have some thoughts.  There is a guest on the show who is a self help guru. This man promises the answers to financial security as well as how to be grateful. He has supposedly coached millions of people into living a better, more grateful life while simultaneously coaching some of the wealthiest people in their financial endeavors.  A couple of thoughts.....  1. This is shows just how misguided we are as humans, "Teach me, man, how to make the most money but also teach me how to be grateful."  I have always heard that money is the root of all evil but I never truly understood it until recently. The people of this world, especially the US are so wrapped up in money and how they can have more and buy more than their neighbor. To me, this man and what he teaches is doing nothing but making that desire greater. All the while he is probably rolling in it from all the press and publications. I also have the question

Dreams really do come true...

So I am going to cry... Aaron and I have been together for SIX YEARS. We started dating when I was a Junior in high school and he was a Sophomore. We were babies. He played soccer and football and I was a majorette. He was funny and laid back, I was a little more uptight and reserved. He could always make me laugh no matter what and I loved that (and still do). A lot of the memories I have from the beginning of our relationship seem very silly and they were. Like I said we were babies. We were very immature and had a whole lot to learn. But we did love each other, as much as a 16 and 17 year old could love each other. I guess I look at our relationship now and how much we've grown and I just think "Wow...we really thought we knew then but we didn't know a thing." One of my favorite pictures of us! One of our first pictures together...aww! Friday nights! Aaron and I have literally grown up together these past six years. I went off to college and he

Hello again!

WOW! It's been a since August...oops! Seriously, I have never been as busy as I have been this past year. First of all being a teacher is the hardest job I have ever worked. It is just non stop and the work doesn't stop when you leave school at 3:00 like most people think it does. As challenging and as hard as it may be I do love what I am doing right now and am getting so much experience for what I have planned in the future. So not only is my job keeping me busy but I have also decided to continue my education and go back to school. So I have been trying to get everything completed for that. Thankfully the application process is finally over. Now I just get to sit back and! Also on top of working and possibly Grad school..... I'm getting married! I have so many posts I need to write so I can fill you all in (all two of you LOL). So, I have been a little bit busy and have not had time to sit down and write like I used to. I am going to g