
Showing posts from July, 2020

General Life Update 2018

So, my life has always been somewhat crazy but the past year to year and a half has been a real whirlwind. In August, before we got married I started attending Graduate School to become a School Psychologist. I was certain that this was the path that I needed to walk down. I loved what I was doing in the beginning, it was fun and exciting and I was getting to really help children. Late in the fall I started to feel overwhelmed. I started the semester working full time as a teacher, driving an hour and a half to school and back three times a week, and trying to be a newlywed. I cut back my hours at work so that I was working only part time thinking it would solve my problems but it didn't. I got sick that Christmas, like I normally do in the winter but somehow it seemed different than normal. The spring semester started off well, I attended a conference in Columbia for free, which was exciting. However, things quickly went downhill I became even more stressed juggling school, wo

Health and Fitness

For a while now I have been wanting to publicly share my fitness journey but felt uncomfortable with putting it on Facebook. Now that I have a blog, I think it is the perfect time and place to share! I am so passionate about healthy eating and exercising and I tell people every chance I get everything I have learned on this journey. I have tried to make this as brief as possible but there is so much that I feel is important about my journey... Check out those scrawny legs! As a young girl I was always very skinny and taller than everyone else in my class. I was such a picky eater when I was little and my brother and I were always active. Sometime in my middle school days I stopped growing. Seriously, if I wanted to I could wear a girl's XL, I'm often tempted to buy girl's clothing because they have THE cutest stuff and it is so much cheaper than adult clothing! Anyway... I stopped growing but my appetite didn't! I ate all. of. the. time. I would eat breakfast-

Pregnancy is NOT what I thought it would be...

Before I got pregnant, I heard women talk about the miserable-ness of it all but I also heard a lot about how wonderful it was. Yeah, those women that have nothing but wonderful experiences... I don't have anything nice to say to you. I am just kidding, I have to have some humor about all of this or I would literally go insane! I was talking with my lung doctor and after I picked him up off the floor from him laughing so much at my appearance (for some reason I am a really funny looking pregnant woman, everyone gets a kick out of it), he told me "You women that have children really are saints, us men could not do. We could get knocked out and punched around but have a baby, forget it!" Pregnancy really is all about endurance. There are so many changes that a woman's body goes through over the course of nine months and we literally just have to sit back and let it happen. It's all worth it for the end result but in the process it's not always fun. I am hon