
Showing posts from March, 2018

Pumpkin; week 19 and 20

Week 20 with baby BOY! Symptoms: I have been having some random sickness but it is not all day everyday like it was in the beginning, thank goodness! Weight: +20, eek Cravings: I have been REALLY hungry lately! Craving nutella and eating it with a spoon ( but that is not exclusive to pregnancy lol) I haven't really been craving anything in particular other than nutella, I just have times where I really want something sweet and other times I really want something salty. Aversions: Still any type of meat unless it's chopped up Gender: I am still in shock, it's a sweet baby boy! We went in for our ultrasound (super early), the lady asked us if we wanted to know and what we thought it was. I told her that I just knew it was a girl. It felt like forever before she told us what it was. She had to take pictures of his brain and look at other parts of his anatomy. She was doing all that and we were talking and all of a sudden she goes "...and there's his penis!

Pumpkin is 18 weeks

Symptoms: Just my itchy, blotchy, rashy skin! It's driving me nutso! Weight: +10ish?? Cravings: Tomato sandwiches and chili cheese tots still, hehe Aversions: Still cannot do chicken and bacon and really any piece of meat alone. Gender: We will know on February 9 and we cannot wait!!! I am still thinking baby girl! Movement: Feeling some flutters every now and then but sometimes it is really hard to tell what is movement and what is gas lol Sleep: I still don't fell like I am sleeping good, I just feel really restless throughout the night. Favorite moment this week: Celebrating my birthday with my family! We went out to eat and had so much fun! Questions: None this week. Goals: Get organized, I feel like I am already nesting!  What I miss: Being able to do things such as clean, organize, or exercise without getting so fatigued. I just feel like it takes much more effort to do these things these days. and I know it is only going to get worse! What I&#