
Showing posts from June, 2015


I just have to get this out of my head... I just heard the news of the Charleston shooting. I'm deeply saddened by this... the fact that someone would walk into a place of worship and feel the need to take the lives of the people there. What that young man did was horrifying and I could never begin to imagine the pain and suffering those people are going through. Not only should we be praying for those who have lost loved ones or were injured... We also need to pray for the shooter for he fell victim to Satan himself just like many of us do every day. While his sin was more permanent and more devastating, that does not mean that he can't find repentance and mercy in The Lord. I know it is very hard to pray for and love someone who has caused so much pain but as Christians it is our duty. I am so glad that people are willing to offer up prayer in support of those suffering. However, while those people are offering prayer and support for the victims, they are tearing down

Celebrate good times!!

What do you do to celebrate college graduation? Well, if you're anything like me you're broke so your options are pretty limited... Thankfully I have a pretty awesome roommate who's dad has a camper at Holden beach which he so graciously let us crash for a few days!  It was so nice to get away for a few days and relax, soak up the sun, and catch up with my BFF.  Since I've been living at home and she has been student teaching I haven't seen Leah since my birthday in February!! I've missed her so, so much. We didn't have a whole lot of time but we did as much as we could while we were there! We laid on the beach during the day on Wednesday for lunch we ate way too much food at Provisions at Holden beach! That night we drive to Southport and ate some more food at Yacht Basin Eatery. It was cloudy and had been raining but we ended up having a beautiful evening walking around and exploring the town.  thankful for timers on camera ph