
Showing posts from August, 2017

Living Minimally

When I first moved into my home with my husband, nothing had a clothes were in bags my school stuff was everywhere and it just felt like chaos. One morning while getting ready for work I had a meltdown, I had plenty to wear I just couldn't find anything. It wasn't one of those "I have nothing to wear" when I'm staring at a closet full of clothes, I literally could not find my clothes because everything was all over the place. This was the beginning of my "revelation". I decided I was going to get a dresser for our bedroom ASAP to have a place for our clothes, developing an organization system in each room, and getting rid of "junk" that we didn't need or didn't use. Moving into a new place really brings to life the amount of "stuff" that accumulates over the years. I was tired of the clutter and confusion that filled my home and in turn my mind. I had heard of "minimalism" before and liked t

Your face is red...

Yes I know my face is red... I have Rosacea. Now, why is that so hard to say? It's not but for some reason when someone makes this comment I don't know how to respond. I don't mind telling people that I have Rosacea, it's not a secret. I guess it's just weird for me because I feel like I'm telling people that I have this debilitating disease but really my face is   I started noticing that my cheeks were really red and bumpy during my Freshmen year of college. The bumps were not like acne bumps, they were very little red bumps. very little makeup in this picture, definitely no blush I really didn't take very many pictures without makeup on because my face was so red and I was self conscious about it. I wish I had more to share so you could really see the change but I don't. My skin is very sensitive, I should wear sunscreen anytime any part of my body is exposed to the sun. I have always had issues with my skin breaking out

Wedding Planning

I have been trying to get back into blogging and documenting. In doing so I found this old post that was never published. I am publishing it now (a year later) for keepsake purposes. Wedding planning is the most overwhelming thing EVER.... There are so many decisions to make and I don't want to make any of them. I told my mama when we first started planning that I didn't care and for her to just to decide. Well, soon after that, I was forced to make some decisions. It hasn't been so bad, it's just that I get overwhelmed very easily when I am faced with more than like two options, so picking out flowers, deciding on invitations, picking bridesmaids dresses...all that stuff was very stressful for me. I just want to relax and enjoy this whole process which is why I've sort of "given" the wedding to my mama. I told her what I wanted an also told her that I'm not very particular because I can't took her a while to get that (she finally und