
Showing posts from February, 2016

Dreams really do come true...

So I am going to cry... Aaron and I have been together for SIX YEARS. We started dating when I was a Junior in high school and he was a Sophomore. We were babies. He played soccer and football and I was a majorette. He was funny and laid back, I was a little more uptight and reserved. He could always make me laugh no matter what and I loved that (and still do). A lot of the memories I have from the beginning of our relationship seem very silly and they were. Like I said we were babies. We were very immature and had a whole lot to learn. But we did love each other, as much as a 16 and 17 year old could love each other. I guess I look at our relationship now and how much we've grown and I just think "Wow...we really thought we knew then but we didn't know a thing." One of my favorite pictures of us! One of our first pictures together...aww! Friday nights! Aaron and I have literally grown up together these past six years. I went off to college and he

Hello again!

WOW! It's been a since August...oops! Seriously, I have never been as busy as I have been this past year. First of all being a teacher is the hardest job I have ever worked. It is just non stop and the work doesn't stop when you leave school at 3:00 like most people think it does. As challenging and as hard as it may be I do love what I am doing right now and am getting so much experience for what I have planned in the future. So not only is my job keeping me busy but I have also decided to continue my education and go back to school. So I have been trying to get everything completed for that. Thankfully the application process is finally over. Now I just get to sit back and! Also on top of working and possibly Grad school..... I'm getting married! I have so many posts I need to write so I can fill you all in (all two of you LOL). So, I have been a little bit busy and have not had time to sit down and write like I used to. I am going to g